Silent Disco conditions & Houserules

Euromast horeca B.V. Rotterdam 2024

General ticket conditions



1.1 These terms and conditions apply to all admission tickets for this event. By acquiring and/or using a ticket and/or entering the location of the event, the visitor agrees to the contents of these terms and conditions.

1.2 The location where this event is held may have house rules, which can be found on our website. By purchasing the ticket, the purchaser also agrees in advance to those house rules.

2. Ticketing

2.1 The agreement between the organization and the buyer of a ticket comes into effect after the buyer has made a booking for one or more tickets. A booking is irrevocable for the buyer. It is not possible for the buyer to make any changes to a concluded agreement. The organization provides the tickets for the event in question.

2.2 The tickets supplied by the organization are and will remain the property of the organization and will be made available to the buyer.

2.3 The visitor is not permitted to sell or provide the tickets in any way to third parties or to refer to the tickets in commercial communications without the express written permission of the organization.

2.4 The organization reserves the right at all times to refuse bookings from buyers, or to impose additional conditions on bookings.

2.5 The organization does not accept any liability for loss of or damage to tickets by the buyer due to whatever cause. In the event that the organization is requested by the buyer to provide replacement tickets, the organization is entitled to charge for them.

2.6 Tickets are only available at Only purchase from an authorized presale address guarantees the validity of the ticket. The burden of proof rests with the customer.

2.7 All tickets are sent by mail immediately after ordering to the mail address provided by the ordering party. If you have not received a ticket by mail within 30 minutes, please contact the Euromast.

3. Access

3.1 Only a valid ticket gives access to the event.

3.2 Upon entering the party, the visitor may be searched. The visitor who refuses to be searched may be refused entry to the event.

3.3 Digital cameras and telephones with camera are allowed to enter the venue, (digital) video cameras/camcorders and other (sound) recording equipment are not allowed, without explicit permission from the organization.

3.4 Furthermore, the following items are not permitted on the Euromast: food, glassware, drinks, water bottles, cans, (folding) chairs, stools, inflatable objects, umbrellas and parasols, drugs, fireworks, (fire) weapons, dangerous objects and professional photographic, film and other recording equipment. Whether professional equipment is involved is solely at the discretion of the organization. The organization will confiscate unauthorized items at the entrance. Legal valuables can be picked up later. Illegal items will be handed over to the police.

3.5 The organization is authorized to deny further access to the event to persons who violate a prohibition mentioned in this article, without the right to a refund of the paid entrance fee.

4. Liability

4.1 Visitors enter the Euromast and attend the event at their own risk. The event organization is not liable for loss, theft or damage to the belongings of visitors and/or guests.

4.2 Visitors are aware that loud music will be played through a headset during the event. The organization advises visitors to limit the volume and to rest their hearing regularly.

4.3 The organization is not liable for changes or deviations in the program. Furthermore, the organization is not responsible for the content of the program elements.

5. Force Majeur

5.1 The organization can move the event to another date or location, change the program or even cancel (part of) the event in the event of force majeure. In this context, ‘force majeure’ should be interpreted broadly and includes illness and/or cancellation of the artist(s), strikes, fire, bad weather conditions, etc.

5.2 In case of force majeure, restitution of the entrance fee is not possible.

5.3 In case of a program change, refund of the entrance fee is not possible.

5.4 Service costs or other damages will not be reimbursed.

6. Other provisions

6.1 Visitors must comply with the regulations and instructions of the organization and competent authorities. If the organization considers this reasonably necessary to maintain peace and order during the event, it has the right to deny the visitor (further) access to the event or to remove the visitor from the place where the event is taking place.

6.2 It is possible that image and/or sound recordings will be made of the event and visitors and that recordings will be made public or reproduced. The visitor unconditionally grants permission to make the aforementioned recordings and exploit them without the organization or third parties being or becoming liable to pay any compensation to the visitor. The visitor hereby transfers any neighboring rights and/or copyright and/or portrait rights to the organization without restriction. Furthermore, the visitor irrevocably waives the right to invoke his/her personality rights.

6.3 Registration of the event without the express prior written permission of the organisation in any form whatsoever, including professional photography, filming and the making of sound and/or visual recordings, is prohibited, as well as reproduction of and/or copying from the program (booklet), posters and other printed matter, without the express written permission of the organisation.

6.4 To enable the organization to meet its legal obligations, visitors must be able to identify themselves upon request. This applies, among other things, in the context of the Drank- en Horeca Legislation, from which it follows that no alcohol will be served to visitors under the age of 18.

6.5 The organization has the right to deny visitors access to the event if they do not abide by these rules or do not follow instructions from the organization. In general, this is the case when public order or safety is endangered during the event.

7. Final Provisions

7.1 Dutch law applies to these general ticket conditions.

7.2 In cases not covered by these regulations, the organization will decide. This cannot be appealed.

7.3 When visiting our event you also agree to the house rules (see below) and the general ticket conditions and house rules of the Euromast.


During the silent disco a video and photographer will be walking around to take promotional material.

  • Anyone entering the Euromast gives permission for video, photo and sound recordings to be made in which the visitor may appear. The Euromast uses these recordings for promotional purposes.

House Rules

  • To gain access to the silent disco at the Euromast you must be in possession of a valid ticket.
  • Anyone with a valid ticket is welcome from an age of 18. Visitors are required to be able to identify themselves in accordance with legal identification requirements. In case no identification can be shown, access to the event will be refused.
  • We have a “zero tolerance” rule. This means that no soft or hard drugs are allowed on the Euromast. It is forbidden to enter the Euromast under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. If this is detected, access will be refused. There will be no refund of entrance fees.
  • The Euromast and its employees reserve the right to refuse visitors to the party for whatever circumstances.
  • The Euromast and its employees cannot be held liable for any injury and/or material damage that visitors may suffer from the event.
  • Every visitor may be checked by a security officer upon entering the Euromast. It is permitted to request that the check be carried out by an employee of the same sex. Complete refusal of control will result in denial of entry, without refund of entry fees.
  • Access control ( identification control, bag control and frisking) is established to protect all visitors, employees, DJs in connection with general security.
  • Directions and instructions from the (security) staff must be followed immediately. In case of aggressive behavior, immediate removal and transfer to police will follow.
  • A guarded checkroom is available iside the Euromast. Visitors are responsible for their own belongings. The Euromast cannot be held responsible for theft, destruction and/or loss of belongings.
  • In situations where these conditions/house rules do not provide, the organization will decide.