A journey from ME to WE
Discover the meaning of the 45 quotes
Nationalities in Rotterdam
- “Waarom moeilijk doen, als het samen kan.” | “Why make it difficult, when you can do it together.”
- “Wan Libi, Wan Lobi, Wan Grontapu.” | “One life, one love, one earth.”
- “Hepimizin farklı olması hepimizin ortak noktası.” | “The fact that we are all different is the one thing we all have in common.”
- “يد وحدة ماتصفقش” | “One hand cannot applaud.”
- “Tin bunitesa den tur di nos.” | “There is beauty in all of us.”
- “Bhinneka tunggal ika.” | “Unity in diversity.”
- “Co dwie glowy, to nie jedna. ” | “Two heads are better than one.”
- “Es gibt Menschen in allen Formen und Farben.” | “There are people of all shapes and colors.”
- “Skupaj sijemo svetleje.” | “We shine brighter together.”
- “Zajedno je mjesto gdje magija živi.” | “Together is where the magic lives.”
- “Не менувај ја бојата.” | “Don’t change your color.”
- “Sve boje se slažu u mraku.” | “All colours will agree in the dark.”
- “Много различитих цвјетова чини букет” | “A lot of different flowers make a bouquet.”
- “世界是一個大家庭” | “The world is one big family.”
- “Colours speak all languages.”
- “Si tu diffères de moi, mon frère, loin de me léser, tu m’enrichis.” | “If you differ from me, my brother, far from harming me, you enrich me.”
- “Sii unicamente te stesso. Risaltare. Brillare. Sii colorato.” | “Be uniquely you. Stand out. Shine. Be colorful.”
- “Sueña tu vida en color, es el secreto de la felicidad.” | “Dream your life in color, it is the secret of happiness.”
- “Ми всі живемо під одним небом” | “We all live under the same sky.”
- “Fără diversitate, viața ar fi foarte plictisitoare.” | “Without diversity life would be very boring.”
- “Západ slunce je moje oblíbená barva.” | “Sunset is still my favorite color.”
- “Όλοι χαμογελούν στην ίδια γλώσσα” | “Everyone smiles in the same language.”
- “O povo unido jamais será vencido.” | “The united people will never be defeated.”
- “Mångfald: många hjärtan, en gemenskap.” | “Diversity: many hearts, one community.”
- “Ha mindenki benne van, mindenki nyer.” | “When everyone is included, everyone wins.”
- “Най-прекрасно е, когато сме заедно.” | “Together is a wonderful place to be.”
- “Jo større mangfoldighed, jo større perfektion.” | “The greater the diversity, the greater the perfection.”
- “Hymyile tuntemattomille, olemme tässä yhdessä.” | “Smile at strangers, we are in this together.”
- “Skúste byť niekomu dúhou v jeho oblaku.” | “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”
- “Bak skyene er himmelen alltid blå.” | “Behind the clouds the sky is always blue.”
- “Ní Neart Go Cur Le Chéile” | “In the inclusive world, you are nowhere sidelined.”
- “Prefer sa trăiesc în culori.” | “I prefer living in colour.”
- “Mirësia është e lirë, spërkate atë gjë.” | “Kindness is free, sprinkle that stuff.”
- “Būk savimi. Pasaulis prisitaikys.” | “Be you. The world will adjust.”
- “Kopā parasti cilvēki var sasniegt neparastus rezultātus.” | “Together, ordinary people can achieve extra ordinary results.”
- “Individuaalselt oleme üks tilk, koos oleme ookean.” | “Individually we are one drop, together we are an ocean.”
- “Entschëllegt Iech ni dofir, wien Dir sidd.” | “Never apologize for who you are.”
- “Fegurðin er í margbreytileikanum.” | “Our beauty is in our differences.”
- … | “Strength lies in differences not in similarities.”
- “Дружелюбие никогда не выходит из моды” | “Being kind never goes out of style.”
- “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.”
- “一人で強い。一緒の我々は止められない。” | “Strong alone. Unstoppable together.”
- “함께 산다는 것은 예술처럼 멋진 일이죠.” | “Living together is an art.”
- “हम सब एक हैं” | “We are all one.”
- “The 💇 of the 🗺️ 🤥 in the diversity of 👥” | “The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of people.”